Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Ancient View

In Mongolian Shamanism mythos,
the touch and relevance of ancestors
was embraced in several special ways.

It was believed that each person had seven souls;
some assigned (destined) to various dominions
as a return of spirit to source,
but others whose function was influenced
by the family that remained.

All souls spend a time in the 'Lower Kingdom'
from which they could sometimes be 'saved',
usually by the interaction of a Shaman.
This embraced conditions of coma
and near death experience. In both, the family
had to desire and petition for the return.

One soul hovered near the family home (camp)
in order to provide council and assuage grief.
Often people 'Heard' the voice of this spirit
as if they were still alive. Eventually this influence
diminished. However, the family by group will
or ritual could install this 'soul' in an object
near the home for eternity -- usually a favored
tree or rock, from which it's presence would be
known by future generations.

One soul went to the Upper Kingdom (Tengri),
To provide a communication link with the
demi-gods of the weather. People did not pray
to the Tengri itself, but to their ancestors there.

NOTE: none of this was considered 'religious' --
The other four souls returned to Source
Completely outside and distinct from the
Known and imagined worlds of the Three Kingdoms
(seven thousand years before the 'Rings'). While there
was no possible communication with these souls,
it was felt that the way a person lived their life
had an influence on how these souls behaved
in the shaping of the universe. These four 'aspects'
of being roughly can be equated with,
Mind, Soul, Heart and Spirit with which you
Might be more familiar.

Thus any ancestor might have influence on future
generations in a myriad of complex ways -- all revered.


At 6:39 AM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

Very interesting view.


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